ADTH digital IPTV receiver, IP 7880M, offers a range of advanced technical capabilities enable viewer to enjoy an array of new viewing experiences.
The receiver can decode HD and/or SD video encoded with different format such as MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4/H.264. It is configured with a transport-stream processor with multiple types of descrambler needed for different Conditional Access system. The receiver also serves as a multi-format audio and video decoder, and is capable of decoding MPEG-1/2/4, H.264, VC-1, AVS, and RealMedia formats. It also has a digital video encoder of supporting CVBS and HD output.
IP 7880M capabilities include high-end microprocessor, expandable internal memory, enhanced graphics, a full range of audio and visual options, and more.
The receiver comes with an optional Conditional Access (CA) system allowing the decryption of the live content as well as the archived materials controlled by the Digital Rights Management (DRM) Systems. IP 7880M provides a very secure architecture for protecting any security information in a CA/DRM system. It also provides a secure boot-loader including a programmable OTP ROM, a hardware-controlled key management unit that can fulfill all the needs and requirements from different CA and DRM systems.
CPU Mstar 7866