IT 3100 - ADTH
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IT 3100

ADTH digital T2 receiver, IT 3100, is a cost-effective and high performance digital set-top box.

IT 3100 is configured with DVB-T2 demodulator which provides optimum reception for the receiver within a compact digital TV and multimedia demodulator solutions. The receiver can decode HD and/or SD video encoded with MPEG-2 and MPEG-4/H.264. It is configured with a transport-stream processor with multiple types of descrambler needed for different Conditional Access system. The receiver also serves as a multi-format audio and video decoder, and is capable of decoding MPEG-1/2/4, H.264, VC-1, and RealMedia formats.

IT 3100 provides access to rich and abundant channels with user-friendly OSD, fast inter-channel switching capability, built-in WIFI solution, which undoubtedly makes it an ideal choice for viewers to obtain the maximum digital entertainment experience .

The receiver comes with an optional Conditional Access (CA) system allowing the decryption of the live content as well as the archived materials controlled by the Digital Rights Management (DRM) Systems.

Main Features NEW

– Supports HD/SD MPEG-2, MPEG-4/H.264 transmission
– Supports HD/SD video output at various format
– Fully DVB-T2 complaint demodulator
– Automated PAL/NTSC identification
– Supports 16:9 and 4:3 aspect ratio conversion
– Built-in Wi-Fi capabilities
– Fast searching and inter-channels switching capability
– Installed with Advanced Electronic Program Guide (EPG)
– Comes with Parental-Lock Control feature
– Supports multi language types

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